— no holds barred.

Tara Reiners Mentoring Memberships is our personalized session where you are the only student. It’s catered to exactly what you want to learn and where you are at with your photography

Memoir mentoring

Move beyond basic guides and get to the nitty-gritty of what YOU need to move the needle toward the things that set your soul on fire successfully. 

For Intimate creatives and portrait photographers who are looking to invest in their art-form and up-level their business.

How are you connecting? What's frustrating you- not enough, too much, not the right fit? There's a lot that goes into the clients we attract and the prices they pay. 

Branding is EVERYTHING. Is it authentically you? When is the last time you adjusted your branding? This is one of thee most important aspects of your business- let's address it!

Your edit continues the story. What do you want it to say? How fast do you want the edit to occur? Do you even want to edit? We can explore this more. 

Emotional posing moves beyond a basic posing guide. Not everyone's body is the same. Learning to serve your client and their expectations through awareness is key in creating connection. 

Mentoring Topics

Tara is a strong believer in the power of education and mentoring- especially when wanting to do so in a way that is done successfully. Can you do it on your own? Absolutely. But, doing things alone takes a lot longer than doing it supported. How fast do you want to get there?

In-person sessions are available in our Billings studio or wherever we have announced our destination sessions. Contact us to get started and defining on what you would like to work on during this time. Need Tara to travel to you? Contact us for a custom rate. 

6 Hour In-Person Session

STUDIO — $1200

Ready to dive deep and work on your photography needs or business model? In this 3 hour video conference we will address what you have outlined. A questionnaire will be sent to you before the conference to get clear on what you serves you best during this time. 

Three Hour Video Session

ONLINE — $500

Meet with Tara each month for 1 hour each month to create, implement, and execute a plan for your business. No questions are off limit!

Monthly One Hour Video Session 

ONLINE — $200/M

Book Your Session

Take your work from observer to CONNECTED with handcrafted, courses and mentoring by yours truly!

Are you a creative?

I'm all about the in between moments; the ones that catch your soul on fire. Let's create something magical.

Portraits with soul.